Amidst the global pandemic and financial and other impacts on higher education, our Ithaka S+R team has been working hard to develop a clearer understanding of the policies, practices, and technologies that will enable our partners in colleges and universities to better serve their communities and the public good.
Recent examples of Ithaka S+R’s workplace focus on federal and state policies, process improvements in public institutions, and investigations of federal data. We aim for this research to support government and college and university administrators in making informed decisions as they chart an uncertain future.
- The Relationship between Postsecondary Attainment and State Finances
- Reimagining the Future of Higher Education Funding
- Supporting Broad-Access Colleges and Increasing Opportunity at Selective Colleges Are Not Mutually Exclusive
- ‘The Hunger Games’ and Higher Education
- Generosity to Colleges in Need
- Ithaka S+R to Expand Transfer Improvement Efforts with CUNY
- Comparing Public Institution-Level Data on Students’ Family Income and Financial Aid
- Three Questions for Toya Wall: Ascendium Education Group
As we look to rebuild from the civic, economic, and health crises of 2020, let’s do so with the clear aim of achieving broader, equitable access to education and the lifetime benefits it confers.